Right Hand Agency will act as a personal manager and reliable consultant in the field of your health. Medical concierge service is a full organizational and informational support within the framework of individual support in the world of medicine.
Premium Medical Services
Our team, in effective tandem with leading Russian and international medical partners, works around the clock for our Clients so that you can receive the best treatment, diagnostics and preventive measures anywhere in the world.
What services do we provide:
- On-site PCR testing with a guaranteed result within 5 hours and obtaining an international certificate (valid in all countries) with a QR code;
- Individual selection of top specialists (including narrow-profile ones) for personal consultations at the request of the Client;
- Telemedicine services: organization of an audio or video conference with a specialized specialist from anywhere in the world, including a second opinion from leading Russian and foreign experts;
- Medical checkups: organization of a comprehensive check of body parameters, their study by expert doctors to determine the appropriateness and tactics of treatment;
- Comprehensive organization of emergency hospitalization: we will select a clinic, speed up the review process, agree on a place for the patient, and help with transportation;
- Scheduled and emergency hospitalization in public hospitals: free treatment for expensive treatment. The service is provided on a comprehensive basis: we take care of the entire process of organization and coordination;
- A council of expert doctors: prompt assessment of the patient’s current condition and determination of treatment tactics;
- Operational call to the house / office of a doctor, nurse, organization of medical patronage or care by a professional nurse at home;
- Medical transportation of patients (including those in serious condition) throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad from anywhere in the world;
- Anonymous genetic testing.
Contacting the Right Hand Agency – guaranteed health care
By choosing RHA concierge service, Clients can expect high international standards of medical care. Our priorities:
- Expert help. Our partners are leading clinics and the best doctors in Moscow and abroad. Turning to us, you get objective and reliable information about the most valuable thing – your health;
- Personal approach. We do not resort to template solutions, delving into the situation with each Client in detail. Personal preferences, medical indications, financial possibilities and wishes are taken into account without fail;
- Comprehensive support in all matters. A personal manager is available around the clock to advise on all aspects of emergency or planned medical care;
- Saving time. Our Clients do not associate medical care with long queues, lengthy preparation and collection of documents, emotional costs. We guarantee the provision of any medical services in the shortest possible time.
Right Hang Agency will become your personal representative in the field of health support and preservation. Clients entrust us with the most valuable thing, and we justify their trust with high standards of service.
Cost: from 5.000 rubles**
** the minimum prices for services are presented
**The final price will be calculated based on the criteria of your request on the day of the order.
To contact us, you can Write to WhatsApp or fill out the application form.